Hello Wealth Tablers!
Kimberly and I (Kathryn) always have a personal conversation before every podcast. We check-in with each other, comment on the day’s news, and then decide what to share with you.
Today, most of our attention was on the drastic changes being made at the Federal level of government and how it may have a negative impact on individuals. That lead us to consider our legacy. Are we defined by the news and other’s opinions, or do we have power to define legacy in our own way?
There are 4 levels of legacy
Kimberly shares the four levels of legacy:
Survival - you are trying to make it through the day.
Security - no longer concerned about survival, you can sleep at night feeling safe.
Success - you are living your dream life.
Significance - what impact do you have on others? What will they remember about you when you are no longer here?
As you move through or bettween the levels of legacy, consider your life to this point. Have you accompished what you set out to do? What people, events, or creations have you not yet brought into physical form?
The answers to those questions will lead you to other questions. Consider what legacy you want to leave behind. Be honest and vulnerable. Your heart will speak when your mind quiets.
You have control of your legacy
The point is to decide for yourself what legacy you will create and leave for those who come after you.
It doesn’t matter that the world seems to be in chaos.
Just because your party didn’t win the election, you can still determine and live yoru legacy.
The media will always highlight the worst things and minimize the best. Be wary and disciplined about what information you consume.
At The Wealth Table, we always encourage you to take control of your life, your finances, and your health. Please let us know your thoughts, concerns, and comments!
To your prosperity,
Kathryn & Kimberly
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